Monday, August 31, 2009

Quick Update

It's been quite a while since my last post, but I have been a busy girl. I recently turned 25 so I have been mourning that event. In case you were wondering how it feels to be 25, it feels awful. I know it's really not that old, but I, personally, do not like it. I'm too old for all the cute clothes and too young for all the other clothes. I'm not sure if that makes sense or not.

We all started school again, and the transition seems to have gone over well. I've been stressing over taking the GRE (Graduate Records Exam). I take it on Friday. I only started studying like a week ago. It sounds bad, but if you know me, then you know that's a major achievement. I was just going to "wing it". I realized though that this isn't something that can be "wung". lol - Yeah, I'm working on my vocabulary.

We also have a couple new additions to the family. Some friends of ours gave us two little MaltyPoos, Jonas and Jenner. They are too cute. I love them already. However, I now live in a testosterone-fest; Drew, Parker, Pinky, Jonas, and Jenner.... all males. Yippee. And none of them know how to clean up after themselves. I don't have any pictures of the lil guys yet. When I stop procrastinating I'll post some.

My running has taken a back seat. I feel extremely guilty for it too. For a while I ran every day, but lately other things are taking priority such as: sleep, studying, cleaning, Parker, eating... you get the point. There is a race that I would like to do in a month. I better get my booty in gear if I want to beat my time at the Lucky Star 5k. Maybe in the morning I'll run.


  1. I want to see pictures of the new dogs! I bet they are adorable!

  2. Don't feel guilty when your running is pushed aside by things in life that really matter, like your family and your schooling. Afterall, running doesn't pay the bills. However, I find that if I want to get my runs in, they need to be early in the mornings during the week. Usually while my wife and son are still asleep. That way I fulfill my need for "me time" but don't feel guilty for exercising while I could be spending time with them. Its hard, sometimes I only get 4 hours of sleep some nights, but to me it is worth it.
